Tag: web 2.0
Dealing with Data
A seminal report for those who deal with data; published by JISC in June 2007. This Report explores the roles, rights, responsibilities and relationships of institutions, data centres and other key stakeholders who work with data. It concentrates primarily on the UK scene with some reference to other relevant experience and opinion, and is framed…
Are Today’s Researchers equipped for the Digital Future?
(I missed this event at the British Academy. I hope someone from the Digital Humanities field was there to represent our perspectives and innovations. Let me know if you attended and perhaps you could write a review for Arts-Humanities.net) This event will explore issues which the digital revolution is raising for the research community, particularly…
Changing the Center of Gravity: Transforming Classical Studies Through Cyberinfrastructure
In case you missed it, the Winter edition of that refreshing Journal, Digital Humanities Quarterly (DHQ), was on Cyberinfrastructure in classics. If you don’t quite understand what Cyberinfrastructure could possible mean to the study of ancient Greek or Roman, then this special edition of DHQ will put your straight. “No humanists have moved more aggressively…
Digital Humanities Observatory (DHO) wins NEH Grant
(The new Digital Humanities Observatory in Dublin has some innovative projects. This new ‘VRE’ (Virtual Research Environment) collaborative-style of project may be of interest to viewers). A collaborative project between the Digital Humanities Observatory, the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), and Indiana University Bloomington has been selected to receive a major grant from the…
The Internet as Playground and Factory
(This conference about Labour online may be of interest. From my rudimentary understanding ‘free’ labour online is a fairly contentious issue as online labour may be pooled by large commercial interests and used to accumulate profit without distributing the fruits of this labour to users). Dear all, You can now join the discussion about topics…
Obama’s speech in Cairo
Online political communication has travelled well since the days when a web site had a manifesto on it and pictures of cops bashing your mates at the last anti-globalisation demo! Watch Obama’s speeck on Whitehouse.gov (link) Discuss it on Facebook (link) Check Obama’s twitter feed (link) Discuss on Myspace (link) I asked him about what…