Tag: travel
Riding from Melbourne to the high-county
One of the few fun things permitted during the virus-restrictions in Australia was fat-motorcycling for exercise. Sure, you could not go far at first, but after a while, you could ride a lot further than your local supermarket or bottle shop. This is a long, day-ride I did from Melbourne to the high-country, past Lake…
Moto to ‘Tropical Fruits’ NYE party via grand Australian county pubs: Melbourne to Lismore
During the year, I bought a sparkling new moto, a 2019 Suzuki Vstrom 1000, which is a major step-up from the bullet-proof 2008 Suzuki GS 500 that I had been rinding too many places that it wasn’t meant to go. I have been itching to take it on an adventure ride since I bought it…
Hiking Fraser Island, Queensland in Winter
Fraser Island is a considerably sized sand Island off the coast of Queensland, Australia. Some say it is the biggest sand island in the world (and some find meaning and significance in hierarchising anything and everything). I set off for my six-day, 90 Kms, hiking adventure on Fraser Island from mid-winter Melbourne. Queensland is warm…
Driving from Melbourne to Uluru
Uluru is a massive rock in Central Australia. Some say it is the biggest rock in the world; some say many things. I was sceptical about seeing Uluru at first as it reeked of instrumental tourism, a place defined by the outcome rather than the journey. So, I started the unaligned journey in Fitz-Roy (the…
Collect GPS Co-ordinates, not things [50/50]
The transition back into Melbournian and Australian life after a long hiatus is exhilarating. It is a time of renovation with renewed acumen, of putting new-found perspectives and confidences to the fore and weaving new paths through Modern life that all too often celebrates and rewards the regularity and predictability of well-managed lives versus the…
Mount Fitz Roy, Argentina, the final destination! [49/50]
After one year of traveling, it was good to arrive at Mount Fitz Roy, the final destination of this thirteen nation adventure. A year is a long time to travel and those that tell you that the years get shorter as you get older, possibly need to get out of the house more often (i.e.,…