Tag: digital humanities
What to do with 30 million books?
(Posted to that wonderful Digital Humanities list, Humanist). Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 18:22:57 +0100 From: Jockers Matthew <mjockers@stanford.edu> Subject: Possible Text Mining Opportunity at Stanford Friends, As I’m sure many of you already know, Stanford has been closely involved with Google’s book scanning project, and we (Stanford) are currently preparing a proposal for the…
Decoding Pasts, Building Futures (Digital Humanities lecture)
Inaugural Lecture by Richard Beacham, Charlotte Roueché & Harold Short Friday 23 October 2009 17.30, Edmond J Safra Theatre, Strand Campus We have chosen to give a joint inaugural presentation of our work, because we all work in densely collaborative areas, in a manner which is not necessarily familiar to Humanities scholars. We will be…
Report back: IRCHSS Symposium: Digital Humanities – New Frontiers, Trinity College, Dublin, 14 October 2009
A one day seminar was held at Trinity College Dublin on Wednesday 14 October to discuss Ireland’s contributions to the Digital Humanities and the possible futures of the field within Ireland. http://dho.ie/node/634 The seminar, held in a skilfully restored 19th Century Anatomy lecture theatre, was attended by representatives from government, the Irish Research Council (IRCHSS),…
Call for papers:Digital Humanities 2010
Next years Digital Humanities Conference is to be held at King’s College London (c0-hosted by CCH and CeRch). The call for papers is now out. Abstract Deadline: Oct. 31, 2009 Proposals must be submitted electronically using the system which will be available at the conference web site from Oct. 1st. Presentations may be any of…
TILE project blog and website launched
TILE: Text-Image Linking Environment is pleased to announce the launch of its public blog and informational site: http://tileproject.org Our first blog posting includes a description of anticipated TILE functionality. http://mith.info/tile/2009/07/20/welcome/ Upcoming posts will include an invitation to participate in user testing, as well as announcements of software as it becomes available. Visit often, or subscribe…
A Survey of Digital Humanities Centers in the United States
In preparation for the 2008 Scholarly Communications Institute (SCI 6), the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) commissioned a survey of digital humanities centers (DHCs). The immediate goals of the survey were to identify the extent of these centers and to explore their financing, organizational structure, products, services, and sustainability. The longer-term goal was…