Tag: Advocate
Victoria’s ‘Connected Communities’ project
Connected Communities is a project from the Victorian Government with the ambition to (funny enough) ‘connect communities’. It appears to be driven by the ‘digital divide’ thesis (here are the details link). But I have never really understood what a ‘community’ is. The term has become so ‘normalised’ that it is rarely discussed critically. It…
Network Publics at the Annenburg Centre at USC
This is a good school that does good stuff.. netPublics explores the roles of audiences, activists, citizens, and producers in maturing networked media ecologies. These changes include but are not limited to the changing relationship between production and consumption, viral and peer-to-peer distribution, and networked lateral political mobilization. Although the Internet is clearly a central…
Software tools from the Centre for History and New Media
The Centre for History and New Media at George Mason University in the United States have developed some fantastic tools for academics and historians. Check out their H-Bot system (developed by Daniel Cohen and Simon Kornblith). The H-Bot system allows you to ask factual historical questions like ‘when was Australia discovered’ and receive answers from…
Morning Coffee with Craig: Do you have time to think?