Tag: Advocate
Techne: Internet 2.0
…people, institutions, companies, and society extensively transform any technology by appropriating it, modifying it, or experimenting with it. Castells 2001 Summary Technology is a modern word that combines the Greek techne (skill, metier) with logos (knowledge). Techne crudely translates into the craft of knowledge and is not just the skill of technique or creating a…
Trust corruption and surveillance in the electronic workplace
Information Age | Trust, corruption and surveillance in the electronic workplace Every wondered why it is a bad idea for your boss to monitor you at work? Ever wanted to hone your arguments against monitoring (to take on your boss)? Good old fashioned trust is the most productive form of 'monitoring' at work it seems.…
Web 2.0 – The Promised Land
Approaching a definition of Web 2.0 – The Social Software Weblog I have never really liked the ‘periodisation’ that comes out of ICT discourse — like calling ‘social software’ and the developments around content management systems (blogs)– the ‘Web 2.0’. The Web has never really been one thing and never will be. ‘Web 1.0’ was…
Using Technorati Tags
Tagging is the inverse to ‘metadata’ as it is an idosyncratic and localised way to categorise information into what might later become knowledge. Tagging seems to support the libertarian ethos of the Internet, however as Amarta Sen says ‘you have a right to be libertarian, but I have a right not to be killed’. See…
The Innovative ETD: Innovations and Obsolescence
Abstract As a way of taking advantage of some of the benefits that new media technologies present for post-graduate education, the innovative adaptation of the Electronic Thesis and Dissertation (ETD) offers a robust means. Most notably this is because it is similar to the traditional print thesis and thus provides a rigorous transitory position into…
Why Make an Electronic Thesis in the Humanities?
Synopis In comparison to many other countries-most notably Canada, the United States,and the United Kingdom-the disciplines that form the humanities in Australia have made few visible inroads into advancing humanities knowledge on-line. There are no dedicated humanities computing centres in Australia, there are few individuals working in the field, and Australians are not well-represented on…