Tag: Advocate
data visualisation & visual culture – information aesthetics
data visualisation & visual culture – information aesthetics I just found a fantasic site, that like the Atlas of Cyberspace, maps dataflow on the Internet (thanks to Lev Monovich for the link). The field is called 'infor aesthetics…check it out!
The amorality of Web 2.0
Rough Type: Nicholas Carr's Blog: The amorality of Web 2.0 More good critical insights into Web2.0. This type of criticism is a breath of fresh air for those of us who spent the 'Web1.0' years suffering because of cheap hawkish proselytisers who thought they had some sort of proprietary claim on a medium they barely understood. October 03, 2005 From the…
Web2.0 Discussion on the IDC list
The research of the Institute for Distributed Creativity (iDC) focuses on collaboration in media art, technology, and theory with an emphasis on social contexts. The iDC is an international network with a participatory and flexible institutional structure that combines advanced creative production, research, events, and documentation. Here is a discussion on the IDC list on the…
Aussie blog search tool launched
Aussie blog search tool launched – theage.com.au Australian bloggers will no longer be a small voice in the world wide wilderness following the launch of a local search tool that aggregates the most current Australian blogs. Gnoos was built by a small Australian startup called Feedcorp after its co-founders, Ben Barren and Michael Leone, were…
Tim O’Reilly handles it well
If anything, this ‘global’ blog-conversation concerning the term ‘web2.0’ is an excellent (and ironic) case-study of the power of the ‘real-time-web’ (or Web2.0). Read on… Tim O’Reilly handles it well — almost » mathewingram.com/work I hope Tim O’Reilly’s houseboating trip on Lake Powell was relaxing, because he came back to a boatload of stress as…