Tag: Advocate

  • ABC Digital Radio

    Tony Walker, the manager of ABC Digital Radio, gave a talk on the future of radio and all things Web2.0 here at the University of Melbourne the other day. He also discussed how a major broadcaster responds to user-driven media. He kindly sent me a list of the links used in the presentation. Have fun…

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  • Social Isolation Linked to the web.

    This study using Grannoveter's concept of 'strong and weak ties' is interesting, not so much because it is about the Internet, but because it blames the Internet. You could say exactly the opposite (and some researchers do); that the Internet actually increases social networks. Robert Putnam in his mammoth study of the decline of 'social…

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  • BBC Creative Archive

    One of the most exciting developments in the past year or so has been the release of part/s of the BBC archive/s online under what is know as a Creative Archive licence. Bascally what this means, is that anyone can download a digitised film or television production and re-use it under certain conditions. What a…

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  • New Australian Video Distribution System

    http://www.peekvid.com/ Here is an new video distribution and indexing system from Australia. It's not quite YouTube , and it's not quite Australian (ie. if you minus North America there isn't much going on), but hey, it's a start. It would be good to see one of these services take a stricter editorial line to add…

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  • Keith Winschuttle Accuses Simon Schama of Fabricating History

    In a highly controversial move, Keith Winshuttle, the well-know Australian historian; recently elected to the board of the ABC, has accused Simon Schama of fabricating history. Read more >> Technorati : ABC, australia, history, keith, schama, simon, windschuttle Del.icio.us : ABC, australia, history, keith, schama, simon, windschuttle

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  • The man with walrus eyes…

    The man with walrus eyes…

    (The return of cyber-punk?..sorry about this…a bit juvenile, I know, but I was bored). I am sitting in a crappy bar on the outskirts of New Sydney. I feel a little tired from spending the night with the I-CAD drafter I met the night before. Where did he learn to do these things? I have…

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