Tag: Advocate
Berners-Lee’s Fears for the Future of the Web
Berners-Lee is saying what many of us have also feared for along time. That people have the capacity for both good and bad, so that old-fashioned and tedious Libertarian culture of the web just ain’t good enough to cope with the political sophistication of the world stage. The British scientist who developed the World Wide…
RSS Art?
(Things have just started to become interesting in the RSS world. Check out this site. Who said that new media art was dead?) Every hour, 10×10 scans the RSS feeds of several leading international news sources, and performs an elaborate process of weighted linguistic analysis on the text contained in their top news stories. After…
Online Campaigning
Check out this site from the Save the Internet Coalition in the US. Especially check out the ‘Senate Tracker’. This is web based campaigning and ‘political communication’ at its finest. http://www.savetheinternet.com/
US Senator Ted Kennedy on Net Neutrality
Wow, this video from Senator Ted Kennedy in the US in interesting on a number of levels. One, he and his campaign has a profile on Youtube (which I find extrodinary), and two, he has some very interesting things to say about Net Neutrality.
NSW Migration Heritage Online Projects
The Migration Heritage Centre at the Powerhouse Museum is a New South Wales Government initiative supported by the Community Relations Commission. www.migrationheritage.nsw.gov.au They do some excellent online oral history work. See some of the sites that they launched last year (thanks to Annette Loudon Website Coordinator). Belongings http://www.belongings.com.au A Place For The Friendless Female: Sydney’s…