Category: web2.0
What is BoB: Box of Broadcast?
Bob or Box of Broadcast is being launched at the JISC conference in Edinburgh this week. Here is a blurb from the JISC press release. the British Universities Film and Video Council (BUFVC) will be launching BoB – Box of Broadcast. Similar to the BBC’s iPlayer, it will make broadcast and video content available indefinitely…
The Virtual Museum of the Pacific: A Semantic Web-based Content Management System
The Virtual Museum of the Pacific (VMP) is a Rich Internet Application with a Web Services architecture used to manage and navigate 400 objects from the Australian Museum’s ( Pacific Island collections. This project tests a new means of facilitating access for Indigenous people and researchers to museum-based digital collections whose artefacts are physically distributed…
Google: global search trends
Google has released some of its search results. Releasing results like this is extremely important as it gives citizens access to some of the ‘meta-narratives’ that influence our lives. If large corporation such as Google only have acesss to these ‘meta-narratives’; it means that they can manipulate these trends and patterns to their own advantage…
Keynote speakers announced: Digital Humanities 2009
The speakers for Digital Humanities 2009 have been announced. And what a refreshing change to the Digital Humanities agenda. The first is Lev Manovich, Professor of New Media at UCSD, who wrote the brilliant ‘Language of New Media’ back in 2001. And the second is Chrsitine Borgman, Professor of Information Studies at UCLA who wrote…