Category: web2.0
Leaping Hurdles: Planning IT Provision for Researchers
I recently attended a workshop sponsored by the Joint information Systems Committee (JISC) that presented some of the findings from the JISC funded community engagement and virtual research environments (VRE) projects. The three community engagement projects presented were the engage project (engaging researchers with e-infrastructure), the e-uptake project (enabling uptake of e-Infrastructure Services), and the…
Oxford Internet Survey 2009 Report: The Internet in Britain
(A interesting new report from the Oxford Internet Institute) The Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford, has today released the OxIS Report 2009, the latest report in a series of Oxford Internet Surveys (OxIS) that cover the changing landscape of Internet access, use and attitudes in Britain. Dutton, W.H., Helsper, E.J. and Gerber, M.M. (2009)…
Are Today’s Researchers equipped for the Digital Future?
(I missed this event at the British Academy. I hope someone from the Digital Humanities field was there to represent our perspectives and innovations. Let me know if you attended and perhaps you could write a review for This event will explore issues which the digital revolution is raising for the research community, particularly…
Digital Humanities Observatory (DHO) wins NEH Grant
(The new Digital Humanities Observatory in Dublin has some innovative projects. This new ‘VRE’ (Virtual Research Environment) collaborative-style of project may be of interest to viewers). A collaborative project between the Digital Humanities Observatory, the Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities (MITH), and Indiana University Bloomington has been selected to receive a major grant from the…
The Internet as Playground and Factory
(This conference about Labour online may be of interest. From my rudimentary understanding ‘free’ labour online is a fairly contentious issue as online labour may be pooled by large commercial interests and used to accumulate profit without distributing the fruits of this labour to users). Dear all, You can now join the discussion about topics…