Category: web2.0
The Future of the Internet: Private Sheriffs in Cyberspace Jonathan Zittrain
I was lucky enough to see this presentation in London a couple of years back. I am re-visiting it as I am doing some work on the governance of death and dying online that includes social software.
Everything Web 2.0
(First published April, 15 2006) All things Web2.0 (thanks to Bob Stumpel et al. for this extensive list…and I have added a few more of my own at the end…suggestions welcome) Everything Web 2.0 AUDIO 2.0 Bebop – Compare music calendar against your iTunes catalogue. Clickcaster – Record, license, publish & promote your radio…
Internet meets Society (politics on the web links)
I gave a lecture today in a first year breath subject at the University of Melbourne on the web and its use within politics. I have listed the sites shown here (from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 approaches) (link to ppt. presentation) Melbourne Indymedia protest movement website…on the Pandora Archive) (1999…
TED Talks: How to make the data look interesting…
You’ve never seen data presented like this. With the drama and urgency of a sportscaster, statistics guru Hans Rosling debunks myths about the so-called “developing world.”