Category: technology
What is UK e-science?
There is an active research community in the UK termed ‘e-science’. It has only been around for about 6 years (talk about emerging fields) and has already developed a pretty impressive portfolio of projects. E-science’s main goal is promote technologies and applications that work on the UK’s research grid (which is a high-speed and high-capacity…
Web2.0 Discussion on the IDC list
The research of the Institute for Distributed Creativity (iDC) focuses on collaboration in media art, technology, and theory with an emphasis on social contexts. The iDC is an international network with a participatory and flexible institutional structure that combines advanced creative production, research, events, and documentation. Here is a discussion on the IDC list on the…
Tim O’Reilly handles it well
If anything, this ‘global’ blog-conversation concerning the term ‘web2.0’ is an excellent (and ironic) case-study of the power of the ‘real-time-web’ (or Web2.0). Read on… Tim O’Reilly handles it well — almost » I hope Tim O’Reilly’s houseboating trip on Lake Powell was relaxing, because he came back to a boatload of stress as…