Category: social media
Lovink interview with Ken Jordan on Nettime
This interview with Ken Jordan of the Aumented Social Network initiative by Geert Lovink is really good. In fact; it is excellent. And I thought that Lovink was a libertarian! It is on the list Nettime (2004) and is about a model for a Augmented Social Network that facilitates qualty online deliberation partly through ‘interoperability’…
What is the Citizendium Project?
Is this a competitor to Wikipedia? (thanks to David Adams, Journalist for the link) The Citizendium (sit-ih-ZEN-dee-um), a "citizens' compendium of everything," will be an experimental new wiki project that combines public participation with gentle expert guidance. It will begin life as a "progressive fork" of Wikipedia. But we expect it to take on a…
Morning Coffee with Craig: What is Activism 2.0?
Net Activism 1.0 = Libertarianism Net Activism 2.0 = Governance Political Communication and Information Scarcity The Internet arrived on the global stage during a tumultuous juncture in world history. The Soviet Empire collapsed; ending a 50 year ideological battle between the centralised command economies of the Communist East, and the free-market economies of the Capitalist…
2) Morning Coffee with Craig: What is Web 2.0?
Web2.0 (key components) Comes out of the Blog Community or CMS RSS Feeds Folksonomies (visualisation of data) User-generated media (social software) Filtering (Too much media) Ajax (programming technique) Real Time Web (visualisation of data). (also see the ‘all things Web 2.0’ list on this site (link) Blogs: Search: Video and…
What is ‘ICT Guides’?
The UK based Arts and Humanities Data Service at Kings College in London is a leading example of a centre that advances the use of ICTs within the Humanities. They have a number of fine innovations; such as the Methodologies Network directed by Harold Short plus the recently released ICT Guides. ICT Guides seeks to…
Youtube founders talk about selling out to Google