Category: social media
Towards an institutional typology of digital humanities centres
Thanks to John Unsworth for the link… This Wiki presents a structured list of departments, centres, institutes and other institutional forms that variously instantiate humanities computing. For each entry a link is provided to the relevant site on the WWW and a brief description given. This list represents an ongoing attempt to derive a basic…
Humanist List 20 Years Old
Humanist, the online discussion list for the Digital Humanities, run by Willard McCarty here at King’s College, London is now 20 years old. Renown for it’s erudite discussion, here is a telling snippet from Willard. Humanist must be one of the oldest lists on the Internet; perhaps the oldest. I would like to hear from…
What are you doing right now?
This is sort of spooky. The world just got flatter.
Ted Nelson (1965): Complex information processing: a file structure for the complex, the changing and the indeterminate
This paper written in 1965 by Ted Nelson is one of the most famous in the history of the computer revolution. It introduces his concept of ‘hypertext’ (or links); the central concept of the web. Also, you may wish to read this 1995 article in Wired magazine called ‘the Curse of Xanadu‘; looking at the…
BBC 15 Web Principles
Tom Loosemore, the head of the BBC’s Web 2.0 project, talked at a conference that I gave a gave a demo of ICT Guides at yesterday (called the JISC Conference) on the BBCs web initiative. He has developed a set of good practice principles for the BBC’s Web 2.0 initiatives, which respects the web as…
Digital Humanities: Expert Seminars
Here is a list of ‘podcast’ seminars undertaken by the Methods Network at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities here at King’s College. And don’t you just love the Internet; it means that you don’t have to attend all these seminars! And it is now becoming possible to learn about almost any subject online,…