Category: politics
Google is just an amoral menace…
I am glad I am not the only one who is becoming increasingly frustrated by amoral and rational technologists looking for the quickest and most practical means of getting from A to B; not slowed down by anything that that vaguely looks like a value system. If indeed a new era of global responsibility has…
Mrs Obama goes to the Opera…
I work about 300 metres away from the Opera House in Covent Gardens. Mrs Obama and other spouses of the G20 leaders have gone to the Opera. I found it very difficult to park my motorcycle today because the streets were blocked off. They will be there until 2PM. You might catch a glimpse near…
My Media is bigger than Your Media…
The sound track did it for me on this one…
Alternative London Summit (Press Release)
Apparently the management of the University of East London have been trying to prevent an alternative to the London G20 Summit from going ahead (the University is in fact closed for 2 days). But the event will go ahead as planned. Here is a Press Release from the Summit’s web site. Some of the speakers…
Where do I go if I want to protest at the G20?
Most of tomorrows activities will converge on the Bank of England. However there are lots of activities planned for all over London. There are the four simutaneous marches that will leave at various spots at 11.ooAM. Plus, there is a climate camp that will be set up in Bishopsgate. Some of the details can be…