Category: media

  • Screen and Media Studies

    \\ Screen & Media Studies – Homepage // This school at the University of Waikato in New Zealand (where Sean Cubitt used to work) does some fine reseach within Media Studies (he is now moving to the Media and Communications program at the University of Melbourne). The media are a central fact of life in…

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  • Inter-Disciplinary Angst and ‘Distributed Authorship’.

    Inter-Disciplinary Angst and ‘Distributed Authorship’.

    (A list that I contribute to (called fibreculture) is entering the post-cyberspace age (or second-wave Internet research) and there are some interesting conversations. Here is my reply to a ‘Position Statement’ on distributed authorship). Dear Fibreculture, I wish to comment on a couple of the important themes that Mr Adrian Miles raised in this position…

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  • ICT Rights ICT Rights Monitor Yes ICT (Internet and Communication Technologies) have rights too! Or at least, we as citizens have rights in relation to these technologies. Here is a web portal built by Andrew Garton and Justina Curtis for the Association for Progressive Communication (APC) that documents the politics of ICT.

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  • Phil Agre: Networking on the Network

    Networking on the Network: A Guide to Professional Skills for PhD Students This article by the ‘socio-technical’ researcher Phil Agre has quickly become a classic of the Internet.

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  • Matthew Kirschenbaum’s Web Log Mathew Kirschenbaum completed one of the first online PhD’s anywhere in the world (at IATH at the University of Virginia) In general, his research focus is English and computer mediated text (more on his weblog). He is also centred within the field of Humanities Computing.

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  • Graduate Screenings for Animation and Interactive Media at RMIT The Centre for Animation and Interactive Media (AIM) at RMIT University had its graduate screenings on Thursday night. The centre is chiefly concerned with teaching Animation (and the screenings were for their postgraduate diplomas), but the centre also has a number of Masters and PhD students. The Masters and Ph.D students primarily focus upon…

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