Category: media
Hugh Martin on Blogs and Vlogs
Hugh Martin, former editor of and Age Journalist has written an interesting article in today’s Age about how ‘citizen reporters’ get the news out first. His thesis is based on the reporting of the Tsnami in the Indian Ocean. His article reminds me of the archive of ‘citizen reporting’ that was constructed at the…
He’s Simple, He’s Dumb, He’s the Pilot
(this is one of my favourite songs from the year. It is from the Northern Californian band ‘Grandaddy‘ from their CD called the ‘Sophtware Slump’…says it all really) adrift again 2000 man you lost your maps, you lost the plans did you hear them yell “Land Damn It Land!” you said you can’t, well I…
Google Scholar
Google Scholar Google has a new service that searches for scholarly articles. Their motto is ‘Stand on the Shoulder of Giants”…just like Google I suppose.
The Cultural Studies E-archive Project
Digitize This: The Cultural Studies E.Archive Project. A couple of years ago I placed a challenge for Cultural Studies to engage more whole-heartedly with the technlogies that they critique. The result is the E Archive Project (see article by Gary Hall) My challenge to those that use Derrida or Bey or Adorno or Bourdieu within…
Hypertext sites… Johannes Weymann (about a woman with Alzheimers (thanks to jill/txt) Stuart Maulthrop: Reagan Library (I think the title is ironic).
CFP Journal Aggregation Site
Call for Papers – Largest listing of call for papers in all areas of specialization I’ve been looking for this Journal Call For Papers Aggregetion site for quite some time. I am not sure if there are others, but this one looks OK and has a modest subscription charge.