Category: media

  • Online Journalism

    Another great webcast from the Oxford Internet Instutute: this time, from Bill Thomson.   Description: Nobody who uses the Internet or watches news programmes on TV can be unaware of the phenomenon of 'citizen journalism', found everywhere from personal blogs to sites like OhmyNews and Dan Gillmor's Bayosphere to the BBC, CNN, Sky and every other news…

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  • What is Democracy Player?

    Democracy player is a free and opensourse platform to play online videos etc. Has anyone been using it? I would love to hear your feedback.   Features: Democracy Player is a new kind of browser for watching videos– grab webpages with video and video RSS feeds (including podcasts, video blogs, and BitTorrent feeds), and watch…

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  • The Future of the Web Tim Berners-Lee

    Here is a talk given by one of the founders of the Web, Tim Berners-Lee. It has a number of different streaming formats which is handy. This is an event of the e-Horizons Institute, organized by the Institute in collaboration with the Oxford Internet Institute, the Oxford e-Research Centre and the School of Electronics and…

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  • BBC is criticised over website plans

    BBC is criticised over website plans – Technology – What a wonderful innovation from the BBC. I wonder why Rupert Murdoch doesn't like user-driven web developments? Too democratic perhaps? Rupert Murdoch's media conglomerate on Wednesday accused the British Broadcasting Corp. of using taxpayers' money to build a "digital empire" that would compete with commercial rivals. The…

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  • Techne: Internet 2.0

    Techne: Internet 2.0

    …people, institutions, companies, and society extensively transform any technology by appropriating it, modifying it, or experimenting with it. Castells 2001 Summary Technology is a modern word that combines the Greek techne (skill, metier) with logos (knowledge). Techne crudely translates into the craft of knowledge and is not just the skill of technique or creating a…

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  • How to write an abstract?

    Writing a good abstract has become a much more significant  task for journalists and writers. This is because the humble abstract has become important  for search aggregators and for reading online in general. Here is a good tutorial on how to write one. The Abstract Abstract -It is important that your final abstract clearly describes the essence…

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