Category: media

  • About Jason and (

    Jason Kottke's weblog. An ace blogger About Jason and ( What might be, a list: The personal site of Jason Kottke. But also his full-time gig. A weblog, which is a frequently updated, chronologically ordered collection of hypertext fragments. You'll find the most recent posted stuff on the front page and many ways…

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  • Vibewire is an Australian web site set up to give a young person's perspective on contemporary politics, culture, and personal issues. They have some great articles on the site, covering issues such as the Federal Budget and the proposed Australia card. Vibewire is an online community created by young people for young people – a place…

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  • How celebrity bloggers make friends and influence people

    How celebrity bloggers make friends and influence people – Technology Yet another innocent enough article about Cory Doctorow in today's Age newspaper. But the question remains, does Doctorow have sponsored posts in his blog (see below)? Are sponsored posts similar to 'cash for comment' on radio shows (ie. John Laws)?

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  • What is Blog Depression?

    The Nanoist is an interesting weblog…although it may take you a while to figure out yet another ideosyncratic-blog  take on the world. Not such a bad thing. Anyhow, on The Nanoist you will find a pamphlet on Blog Depression. It's pretty funny; a tad 'deteriministic' perhaps, but you will get the picture. You can also download it as…

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  • Crushing the Web 2.0 Myths

    net critique » Interview with Sole 24 Ore: Crushing the Web 2.0 Myths Geert Lovink is a very well-known Internet critic; especially here in Australia. Here is Lovink at his best, taking on the myths of Web2.0 (interveiw on his own blog). GL: Indeed, we have left the post-dotcom era, a relatively quiet period that gave…

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  • EFF: Blogger’s Rights!

    OK, the EFF (the Electronic Frontiers Foundation) have done some interesting work for many, many years. But they are a little too Libertarian for this blogger. And they are a little too, dare I say, American! It all about rights; the Bill of Rights, rights this; rights that. What about a Bill of Responsibilities? What about the responisibilies…

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