Category: key points
The OECD Guidelines on the Protection of Privacy and Transborder Flows of Personal Data
Along with balancing the rules that govern Intellectual Property, the battles over the protection of personal data becomes another area of potential conflict within a society where information storage and global retrieval devices have become cheap and ubiquitous. Here is the international guidelines set by the OECD (Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development). Also see…
The Death of a Meta Tag
I just found this article from that wonderful site, search engine watch, about the death of Meta tags, or at least, the death of the 'key word' Mata tag. (I don't know of anyone who actually used it). The things about Meta tags, is that they give a site rigorous time, author, and context specificity, so…
Globalisation and the Internet
What is globalisation? Globalisation is a somewhat difficult concept to ground, but it is an important concept nevertheless for our understandings of the 'big picture' Internet. The term globalisation did (at least in the popular mind) come to the fore around the year 2000 (about the same time as the US led technology boom. And…
What is privacy and why is it important?
What is privacy and why is important in the digital domain?
Trust corruption and surveillance in the electronic workplace
Information Age | Trust, corruption and surveillance in the electronic workplace Every wondered why it is a bad idea for your boss to monitor you at work? Ever wanted to hone your arguments against monitoring (to take on your boss)? Good old fashioned trust is the most productive form of 'monitoring' at work it seems.…