Category: hypertext
New media and cultural form: narrative versus database
New media and cultural form: narrative versus database Ilana Snyder Monash University To appear in 2004 in: A. Adams & S. Brindley (eds), Teaching English with ICT. London: Open University Press & McGraw Hill. Why narrative and database Stories define how we think, how we play, even how we dream: they represent a basic way…
Vannavar Bush ‘As we may think’ (1945)
In this famous article by Dr Vannavar Bush, published in the Atlantic Monthly in 1945, he outlines his vision for the 'Memex Machine', which is often seen as the intellectual precursor to hypertext and the world wide web. "The perfection of these specific instruments should be the first objective of our scientists as they emerge…
WRT: Writer Response Theory The next generation of hypertext authoring
WRT: Writer Response Theory » Blog Archive » Literatronica: The next generation of hypertext authoring Hypertext literature is ready for a new tool and it’s name is Literatrónica (aka Literatronic). This bilingual system, developed by Columbian mathematician and author Juan B. Gutiérrez, is here to change the way authors think about hypertext by providing an…