Category: humanities computing
History and Hypertext
(Mark Bernstein of Eastgate Systems was in Sydney this month talking about ‘History and Hypertext’…what I did my MA on in 1998). SOME THOUGHTS ON HYPERTEXT AND HISTORICAL NARRATIVE Mark Bernstein At times, hypertext has seemed incompatible with historical narrative, either because non-sequential writing is at odds with understanding cause and effect, or because hypertext…
A Digital Humanities umbrella?
(via Chris Chester at the University of Sydney from October of last year. I don’t think that the proposal went anywhere). Is there any value in raising a Digital Humanities umbrella in Australia? Next Thursday 6-8pm, Arts Informatics and RIHSS at the University of Sydney are hosting a talk by Harold Short, and a public…
Darwin’s Missing Notes Go Online
A MISSING notebook clutched by British naturalist Charles Darwin, who circumnavigated the globe, returned to Britain and demolished the Victorian hubris that humans stood alone as the pinnacle of creation, was published for the first time yesterday.The original notebook, which documents Darwin’s observations throughout his five-year voyage to the Amazon, Patagonia and the Pacific aboard…
What is the Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories?
The Australian Partnership for Sustainable Repositories is in many ways, a needed national initiative, except for one small detail. It lacks courage, innovation, and risk. Learning how to keep all the files made by US software in Australian repositories is useful enough in itself, but wouldn’t it be grand if there were Australians who could…