Category: humanities computing
What is ICT Guides?
Part of my new Job at the Arts and Humanities Data Centre (ADHS) at King’s College, London is to further develop an online guide for Arts and Humanities researchers called ICT Guides. ICT Guides lists methods that are used by the Arts and Humanities in the creation of digital resources. It’s an extensive guide and…
What is the Text Encoding Initiative?
The Text Encoding Initiative is one of the most important developments in the field of Humanities Computing. The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) Guidelines are an international and interdisciplinary standard that enables libraries, museums, publishers, and individual scholars to represent a variety of literary and linguistic texts for online research, teaching, and preservation (link)
What is the Virtual Knowledge Studio?
Recent transformations in communication and information exchange have created new opportunities for researchers in the humanities and social sciences. It is not self-evident, however, in what ways scholars can best use these possibilities while maintaining and further developing their specific roles in academia and society. This new KNAW programme, The Virtual Knowledge Studio for the…
NSW Migration Heritage Online Projects
The Migration Heritage Centre at the Powerhouse Museum is a New South Wales Government initiative supported by the Community Relations Commission. They do some excellent online oral history work. See some of the sites that they launched last year (thanks to Annette Loudon Website Coordinator). Belongings A Place For The Friendless Female: Sydney’s…
Digital Humanities seminar series at King’s College, London
(from the discussion list, Humanist. This will give you some idea of the projects underway in the Digital Humanities in Europe) This is to announce the forthcoming events of the London Seminar in Digital Text and Scholarship for 2006-7, a description of which follows. All events take place at 5.30 pm in Senate House, Malet…
What is Digital Humanities?
This is a forum that was on earlier this year. Willard McCarty is from Kings College London, a leader in the field of Digital Humanities. I think that the issue that McCarty is stressing is that Arts Informatics is a practice; ie. it requires an advancement of both the technologies that are useful for the…