Category: humanities computing
Virual Vellum
“Virtual Vellum is an e-Science demonstrator project that has been funded by EPRSC/JISC/Arts & Humanities e-Science Initiative and the UK e-Science Core Programme with the aim of promoting and demonstrating the use of technology within arts and humanities research. The aim of the project is to investigate technologies that facilitate the retrieval, manipulation and annotation/hotspotting…
What is Intute?
…Welcome to the Arts and Humanities pages of Intute. We are a free online service providing you with access to the best Web resources for education and research, selected and evaluated by a network of subject specialists. There are over 18,000 Web resources listed here that are freely available by keyword searching and browsing.(link)
What is the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations?
The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organisations (ADHO) is a good central resource for those working in the Digital Humanities. It lists publications, organisations, and up-coming conferences (link).
Free E-Book: A Companion to the Digital Humanities
This is the freely available, electronic version of A Companion to Digital Humanities, a collection of essays providing a comprehensive description of the history, development and current status of the digital humanities and humanities computing. Divided into four parts – history; principles; applications; and production, dissemination and archiving – this volume represents essential reading for…
What is UK e-science?
There is an active research community in the UK termed ‘e-science’. It has only been around for about 6 years (talk about emerging fields) and has already developed a pretty impressive portfolio of projects. E-science’s main goal is promote technologies and applications that work on the UK’s research grid (which is a high-speed and high-capacity…
ICT Map for Arts and Humanities Research
The UK has a unique range of public bodies and services providing cross-disciplinary support for the use of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in arts and humanities research. This page provides a brief description of the main providers, with links to further information on each one (link)