Category: humanities computing
A Day at Oxford
I spent yesterday at Oxford University learning XML-TEI. Oxford Computing Services has a number of fantastic courses and rather than simply being service-orientated-computing as in most institutions, the Oxford Computing Service has a research agenda as well (with a much deeper focus upon computing in the humanities). The course was taught by Lou Burnard; one…
Who is Dariah?
Ok, if you though DARIAH was a nice German girl from Potsdam ,then you are only partly right. DARIAH is a proposal to build a central European data centre to support the Arts and Humanities. Sounds scary? Well only if a Dutch anarchist hacks into it and changes all the records from Britain in the…
What is e-social science?
OK, now that you understand e-science…what is e-social science? Well I am glad you asked. E-social science is like e-science in that it utilises a high capacity research ‘grid’, but the questions that is concerns itself with, chiefly focus upon large social questions such as population trends. E-social science has its own data centre (called…
What is a good Digital Humanities project?
If you were wondering what a good Digital Humanities projects is, then check out the LAIRAH project at University College London that has produced a succinct check list: (link)
AHDH History
The Arts and Humanities Data Service (where I work) has a number of offices throughout the UK that specialise in more disciplanary approaches to digital technology in the humanities. This is one of the reasons that I like Digital Humanities (or ‘Humanities Computing’) in that it respects the body of knowledge and autonomous directions built…
JISC Conference
JISC is an interesting organisation that funds investment in ICTs in the higher education sector in the UK (they fund my post). JISC is funded by a number of Universities in the UK and they use the money to invest in a broad range of research ranging from learning, network infrastructure, administration, and digital content…