Category: humanities computing
Humanities Research Institute: The University of Sheffield
The Humanities Research Institute at the University of Sheffield, like the Centre for Computing in the Humanities at King’s College London, is one of the leading centres in the UK in the digital humanities. Check out their range of projects.. As its history of successfully completed projects demonstrates, the HRI has to date concentrated on…
The Long Room Hub: Trinity College
On of the major centres for digitisation projects in Ireland is the Long Room Hub at Trinity College. They have a list of projects that they are working on (although the links are broken so you mights have to search for the web pages yourself). This image is of James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, one…
Peer review and evaluation of digital resources for the Arts and Humanities
Here is a report done in the UK to help advance peer review processes for digital work in the arts and humanities. Peer review is a problematic issue, especially in Australia, in that many academics who don’t invest any intellectual energy into advancing digital work for humanistic purposes are (ironically) rewarded more than those academics…