Category: humanities computing
Cyberinfastructure for Collaboration and Innovation (selected papers)
selected papers from the conference 29-30 January 2007 (link to First Monday)
Zotero: A seriously useful research tool
If you spend most of your time doing research on the Web, you need Zotero, a Firefox extension that helps you manage research sources. With Zotero installed, Firefox is not confined to the Web, and you can use it as a standalone application for all sorts of online and offline research (link)
Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar, Summer 2007
Friday 3rd August at 16:30, in room NG16, Senate House, Malet Street, London Melissa Terras (University College London) ‘Can computers ever read ancient texts?’ Researchers in the Centre of the Study of Ancient Documents, and the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford (and now UCL SLAIS), have been attempting to build a system to…
Tools available to the classics community
The following tools have been made available for members of the Classics community. Most are free (and therefore unsupported). Where possible, we have included purchasing information and whether or not these tools have been tested (link…thanks to
A Blog Philosophy
If a blog can have a philosophy, then the philosophy of this blog is that there is nothing particularly radical about the new. The new may be radical to some, but the new can only be new in the context of the old (or their ‘old’). Some of the old may be threatened by the…
Virtual Workspace for the Study on Ancient Documents
A wonderful new project from the a new generation of Digital Humanities projects. The project will construct a virtual workspace for research involving decipherment and textual analysis of damaged and degraded ancient documents. It will provide direct access to widely scattered research resources such as dictionaries, corpora of texts and images of original documents, enabling…