Category: humanities computing
There is a fine roll for each of the fifty-six years of Henry III’s reign and the current project aims to publish those from 1216 to 1248. (further funding will be sought to publish the rolls to the end of Henry’s reign) The fine rolls contain offers of money to the king for a multiplicity…
Peer review and evaluation of digital resources for the arts and humanities
The mechanisms for the evaluation and peer review of the traditional print outputs of scholarly research in the arts and humanities are well established, but no equivalent exists for assessing the value of digital resources and of the scholarly work which leads to their creation. This project proposes to establish a framework for evaluating the…
Sustainability of Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities
On 29 November 2006, the Methods Network convened an Expert Seminar to address a range of issues concerning the long-term sustainability of digital resources, approaching these from a variety of perspectives. Representatives from the AHRC ICT Programme; the Research Information Network; the Andrew W Mellon Foundation; the Humanities Research Institute, University of Sheffield; an AHRC…
Report: After the AHDS: the end of national support?
A panel discussion at the opening of the recent Digital Resources in the Humanities and Arts conference at Dartington College of the Arts posed the question what happens after the end of the Arts and Humanities Data Service (AHDS); is this the end of national support? The Arts and Humanities Data Service is a national…
Intute: FREE Internet tutorials for the Arts
Intute has just released eight new FREE Internet tutorials for the Arts and Humanities in the Virtual Training Suite. The tutorials, authored by university subject specialists, are designed to help students develop Internet research skills for their university or college work, and can be used by lecturers and librarians to support their courses. 1) Internet…
Digital resources in the Arts and Humanities, Dartington College UK, 9-11 September
A brief reminder that this year’s conference on Digital resources in the Arts and Humanities will be held at Dartington College of Arts, 9 – 11 September inclusive. Visit the conference website at now to see the draft programme and register for this unique and extraordinary event. * Plenary speakers (in alphabetical order) *Paul…