Category: history
The History of Strategic Non-Parliamentary Political Commuication
The History of Strategic Non-parliamentary Political Communication in Australia 1960-2004 The well-documented rise of image politics and media spin within the major political parties communication methods is weakening established democratic relations. With the growing importance of media within politics, there is also increasing attention to political communication by other political actors, such as lobby groups…
The ‘e’ version of the Encyclopedia of Melbourne (Beta) version is now online
Encyclopedia of Melbourne This is really worth checking out. The Encyclopedia of Melbourne’s online version. A must for any online historian!
Bellamy’s Looking Backwards
Edward Bellamy, Looking Backward, table of contents Here is yet another wonderful hypertext from the University of Virginia.
Historical Significance and the Internet
The increasing importance of the Internet as a publishing and communication medium poses many challenges for the institutional repositories entrusted with the arduous task of preserving and providing access to our digital heritage. But the challenges are not only in terms of creating the technical standards and tools for the preservation of online media, they…
AMOL Working with archives and collections
AMOL – Collection Management
Digital Story Telling
Center for Digital Storytelling Last week I was involved in a Digital Story Telling workshop at the Australian Centre for the Moving Image (at Federation Square here in Melbourne). Digital story-telling is a genre that seeks to record and preserve the individual stories that form the collective identity of a community. We recorded some of…