Category: gadfly
||| Decadent Action Manifesto |||
(from that wonderful crew RTMark) After meeting Iain Sinclair, the author of ‘Hackney that Rose-Red Empire’ at a reading in a book shop in Brick Lane the other day, It rekindled my fledgling interest in Psychogeography. Some years back, I used to be a flaneur (if one can admit to being such a thing). And…
The Hazard of Conformity…
Conformity and obedience aren’t necessarily bad things. All social systems require a certain amount of conformity to function. Driving on the left-hand side of the road or the voting systems require a high degree of ‘conformity’ so as to allow these systems to function for all. However, conformity without critique or ‘passive conformity’ is extraordinarily…
Who Killed the Electric Car (the Sinclair C5)…
This is a 1980s English version of an electric car; the Sinclair C5. (I think the term ‘car’ is quite generous as it looks more like a go-cart). I am told by my friend Simon at the Centre for Computing in the Humanities that it ran on a washing machine motor (and it was perhaps…
What is globalisation?
Given the events of the past week (the G20 protests), I thought I would resurrect a video I made a couple of years back on the subject of ‘globalism’. It is the most popular video I made for the illustrious series ‘morning coffee with Craig’. It had 547 views…only 4 billion to go!
Google is just an amoral menace…
I am glad I am not the only one who is becoming increasingly frustrated by amoral and rational technologists looking for the quickest and most practical means of getting from A to B; not slowed down by anything that that vaguely looks like a value system. If indeed a new era of global responsibility has…
G20: And a very English Revolution…
Details of the protest on April 1st can be found on the ‘G20 Meltdown in the City’ web site (link) Full circle back to 1649? ‘A very English revolution!’ The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse will lead themed processions starting at 11 a.m. from the following rail stations: Moorgate Red horse against War; Liverpool St Green horse…