Category: events
400 Years of Jamestown and ‘Virtual Jamestown’
It is 400 years since the British first landed in North America and none other than the Queen of England is in the United States to celebrate. And here is a site that I worked on some years ago produced by the Virginia Centre for Digital History at the University of Virginia. I did the…
e-Science Institute Public Lecture: A Potential for All: e-Science for the Arts and Humanities
Ms Sheila Anderson (AHDS and AHeSSC) and Professor David Robey (AHRC ICT Programme) The first lecture of the Arts and Humanities e-Science Theme at the e-Science Institute in Edinburgh will be held on April 30th at the eSI, 15 South College Street, Edinburgh. Tea and coffee will be served at 1.30, and the lecture will…
doing digital: using digital resources in the arts and humanities
CALL FOR PROPOSALS doing digital: using digital resources in the arts and humanities DRHA07 : Dartington College of Art : 9 – 12 September 2007 Bringing together creators, practitioners, users, distributors, and custodians of Digital Resources in the Arts and Humanities Over the last decade the annual Digital Resources for the Humanities and Arts…
Summit on Digital Tools in the Humanities
This site from IATH (the Institute for Advanced Technology in the Humanities) at the University of Virginia contains the findings of a summit held in 2006 about digital tools in the humanities. The report is excellent reading; and points to the need for innovations in the humanities such as ICT Guides (link) Digital tools are…
EVA Conference London 2007
The e-science (AHeSSC) section of the AHDS is going to this event. The EVA London conference is a forum for communicating the uses and implications of electronic visualisation in culture and the arts. Held annually, it is for groups and organisations from a wide range of disciplines to share and promulgate results. The scope includes…
What to do with a million books: Innovations in Scholarly Communication
(The 'scholarly communication' in this email isn't that 'scholarly' ie. I think that Michael Hart the founder of Project Gutenburg is talking about hard-on tablets rather than e-books ie. 'bigger, faster, more'. Still, ebooks may eventually become more than just 'the delivery boy' of scholarship as Willard McCarthy of that wonderful email discussion list Humanist…