Category: digital humanities
A lifetime of flexible learning..
I have been quiet of late, partly because I have been changing direction, and it takes a little while to turn the ship around. I have moved into the ‘flexible’ or ‘blended learning’ field, which I have been trying to do for a couple of years. And the area is enormous and quite refreshing after…
Examples of structured and un-structured data
Here are some examples of structured and unstructured data projects and services (which at times overlap). And remember that data is almost always wrong but sometimes it is useful! Structured data (Pre-defined and machine-readable, is locatable and usually has a relational ‘data model’ and usually is about real-world objects) What is meta-data? (Australian National Data…
Call for Papers, Posters and BoFs. DIGITAL HUMANITIES AUSTRALASIA 2014: Expanding Horizons The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) is pleased to announce its second conference, to be held at The University of Western Australia, 18-21 March, 2014. The aim of DHA 2014 is to advance digital methods, tools and projects within humanities research and…
Arts Hack @ University of Melbourne
I attended this event recently at The University of Melbourne. Thanks to ITS Research for putting it on.
How many digital humanists does it take to change a light bulb?
Q. How many Digital Humanists does it take to change a lightbulb?A. Two: The first to change the lightbulb using the available, existing technology. The second is to say, You’re only DH if you make the lightbulb yourself! Q. How many Digital Humanists does it take to change a lightbulb?A. Yay! Lets Crowdsource! Q. How…
10 favourite Digital Humanities projects about ‘class, gender, and race’
I am not sure that these particular projects had the explicit intent to expound ‘class, gender, race’, at least not seen through a blustery politics-in-the-wild lens. But still, apart from their significant scholarly contributions, they do put to rest the accusation that computing in the humanities is at odds with those scholars who can only…