Category: data
Open Access enhances scholarly communication by making the results of research electronically available
The rhetoric within this JISC promotion of Open Access is a little naive (ie. as if researchers haven’t always communicated their research results), but still there is some good information here about JISC’s initiatives. Also, check out the podcast by Harvard Historian Robert Darnton (link). Opening the knowledge base to all means more researchers can…
Free London’s Data. Now!
Help us free London’s Data Saturday 24th October 2009 10.00 am London’s Living Room City  Hall The Queens Walk London SE1 2AA The Greater London Authority is currently in  the process of scoping London’s DataStore. Initially we propose to release as much GLA data as possible and to encourage other public agencies in London to…
Dealing with Data
A seminal report for those who deal with data; published by JISC in June 2007. This Report explores the roles, rights, responsibilities and relationships of institutions, data centres and other key stakeholders who work with data. It concentrates primarily on the UK scene with some reference to other relevant experience and opinion, and is framed…