Category: conferences
The Internet as Playground and Factory
(This conference about Labour online may be of interest. From my rudimentary understanding ‘free’ labour online is a fairly contentious issue as online labour may be pooled by large commercial interests and used to accumulate profit without distributing the fruits of this labour to users). Dear all, You can now join the discussion about topics…
Digital resources in the Arts and Humanities, Dartington College UK, 9-11 September
A brief reminder that this year’s conference on Digital resources in the Arts and Humanities will be held at Dartington College of Arts, 9 – 11 September inclusive. Visit the conference website at now to see the draft programme and register for this unique and extraordinary event. * Plenary speakers (in alphabetical order) *Paul…
Digital Classicist/ICS Work in Progress Seminar, Summer 2007
Friday 3rd August at 16:30, in room NG16, Senate House, Malet Street, London Melissa Terras (University College London) ‘Can computers ever read ancient texts?’ Researchers in the Centre of the Study of Ancient Documents, and the Department of Engineering Science, University of Oxford (and now UCL SLAIS), have been attempting to build a system to…
Wolfenden50: Sex/Life/Politics in the British World 1945-1969
2007 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the Wolfenden Report, a British government inquiry into homosexuality and prostitution which profoundly shaped public debate on the regulation of these sexualities (and others), in Britain and beyond.Most famously, the Report recommended that homosexual acts between consenting adults in private ought not to be an offence and 2007 also…