Category: conferences
Discounted members places for DHA2014
ADHO, the Association of Digital Humanities Associations (in which the aaDH is associated) has a new discounted members category, which is a good way to join the aaDH. It costs about $45 to join, but this is without the subscription to LLC. And if you join aaDH, you get a discount of $150 to register…
Call for Papers, Posters and BoFs. DIGITAL HUMANITIES AUSTRALASIA 2014: Expanding Horizons The Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH) is pleased to announce its second conference, to be held at The University of Western Australia, 18-21 March, 2014. The aim of DHA 2014 is to advance digital methods, tools and projects within humanities research and…
Review: Sustainable data from digital research conference, Melbourne
A conference was held at the University of Melbourne in December 2011 with the theme sustainable data from digital research organised by Dr Nick Thieberger and colleagues at the School of Languages and Linguistics with assistance from the Victorian eResearch Strategic Initiative (VeRSI) and the new Australasian Association for Digital Humanities (aaDH). The Keynote for…
Stephen Ramsay: Melbourne December 12
Title of lecture: Found: Data, Textuality, and the Digital Humanities: Please register for this Information Futures event here: Time: Monday, December 12, from 9.30 – 10.30 in the Wood Theatre, Arts West, University of Melbourne (Map: Building 148, Next to Old Arts and Baillieu Library) In this presentation in Melbourne, Stephen Ramsay will discuss some…
Book Logic 2012
CFP: Digital Humanities Australasia, 28-30 March 2012
Call for Papers, Panels and Posters **************************************************************************** DIGITAL HUMANITIES AUSTRALASIA 2012: Building, Mapping, Connecting **************************************************************************** The inaugural conference of the Australasian Association for Digital Humanities Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 28-30 March 2012 Sponsored by the Australian Academy of the Humanities and the College of Arts and Social Sciences, Australian National University. CONFERENCE WEBSITE:…