Category: conferences
ASCILITE 2024 Conference Review
The Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE) conference is the premier scholarly event in Australia and New Zealand for tertiary educators interested in technology-enhanced learning. The diverse range of presentations, panels, and workshops explored the latest trends and innovations in the field. Three prominent themes emerged from the conference: Generative AI,…
The night falls in the evening lands, the Assange epic conference (review)
Today, I attended an excellent, uplifting and informative conference. The Night Falls in the Evening Lands, The Assange Epic conference, held on Saturday, March 9, 2024, at RMIT University in Melbourne, Australia, focused on the plight of Julian Assange and issues related to human rights, freedom of the press, and international law. The main topics…
The Festival of Dangerous Ideas
The Festival of Dangerous Ideas (FODI) is an annual event held in Sydney, Australia, that brings together provocative and influential thinkers to discuss and debate various controversial and challenging issues. It is organised by the Sydney Opera House and the Ethics Centre and has been held since 2009. FODI aims to stimulate public debate and…
Would you like to chat? The Ethics of AI in Higher Education
I recently led a session at the eResearch Australasia conference on the ethics of AI in higher education. It is a big topic to handle, and I’m pretty new to this stuff, but the conversation went pretty well, and the awareness of both AI and ethics is high in this community. The ethical challenges posed…
Digital Humanities Australasia Conference, Hobart 20-23 JUNE 2016
Registrations are now open for Digital Humanities Australasia, Hobart, 20-23 June 2016
Discounted members places for DHA2014
ADHO, the Association of Digital Humanities Associations (in which the aaDH is associated) has a new discounted members category, which is a good way to join the aaDH. It costs about $45 to join, but this is without the subscription to LLC. And if you join aaDH, you get a discount of $150 to register…