Category: collaboration
DHO Summer School 28 June – 2 July 2010, Trinity College, Dublin
Registration is now open for the 2010 Summer School. Please see the registration page for further details. The Digital Humanities Observatory in conjunction with NINES and the EpiDoc Collaborative is pleased to offer the DHO Summer School 2010. It will bring together 60 Irish and International humanities scholars undertaking digital projects in diverse areas to…
Report back: ‘Tools for Scholarly Editing over the Web’ Birmingham, 24 September
I attended the ‘Tools for Scholarly Editing over the Web’ workshop on Thursday (24 September) organised by the Institute for Textual Scholarship and Electronic Editing at the University of Birmingham. There were presentation by many leading figures of electronic textual editing from the US, Canada, Germany, Italy, Australia, Ireland, and Britain. The workshop was organised…
‘Tools for Collaborative Scholarly Editing over the Web’
University of Birmingham,24-25 September, 2009. This workshop will review and address the making of tools for collaborative scholarly editing over the web. The workshop leaders joins partners in the COST-ESF Interedition project (, which is focussing – as is the JISC-funded Virtual Manuscript Room project — on Europe-wide creation of infrastructure and tools for collaborative…
Humanities text-mining in the Digital Library (MONK)
Abstract MONK (Metadata Offer New Knowledge) is a digital environment designed to help humanities scholars discover and analyze patterns in the texts they study. It supports both micro analyses of the verbal texture of an individual text and macro analyses that let you locate texts in the context of a large document space consisting of…
Survey: Virtual Reseach Environment Collaboartive Landscape Study
What is a VRE? “…a Virtual Research Environment (VRE) is an an online framework of collaborative tools and resources that allow researchers to share and re-use data, combine services, and undertake tasks to promote new collaborative research practices….” The VRE Collaborative Landscape Study project is one of several studies commissioned by the UK Joint Information…
Christine Borgman lecture@OII
Christine Borgman gave an interesting lecture at OII (Oxford Internet Institute) recently (she is one of the Keynote speakers at this years Digital Humanities Conference. One of the major points that I retained from this talk is that Data is not objective fact. Data is simply the ‘alleged evidence’ as one researchers observations may differ…