VERSI eResearch Award (Victoria, Australia)

VeRSI is pleased to announce the 2008 VeRSI eResearch Award – recognizing outstanding Victorian researchers who are using ICT to enhance their research. The eResearch Award is sponsored by Dell, a supplier to VeRSI of eResearch hardware solutions.

There are two prizes, of equal value, recognizing research in the Sciences and in the Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (HASS). Dell are providing a PowerEdgeTM 2950 server as a prize for each of the awards.

The prizes are open to any Australian research activities where one of the principal investigators is from a Victorian institution.

The Awards are presented in association with the 2008 eResearch Australasia conference, to be held in Melbourne from September 29 to October 3, where the winners will be announced on the last day of the presentations, October 1.

Selection criteria, and prize and application information is available on this site. The closing date for applications is Friday August 29. (more details…)



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