Media Analysis of the Big Brother Turkey Slap

The Big Brother ‘ Turkey Slap ‘ incident is an interesting case study of how news travels on the Internet. The traces of this incident, both big media and small, can be found all over the Internet. Micheal Bric, one of the guys at the centre of the media frenzy, was a student of mine at Swinburne University (in an Internet and Society subject). We plan to write an academic article together about the ‘reality of reality television. The ‘big media’ recordings of the incident are archived on YouTube.

Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Video 4



2 responses to “Media Analysis of the Big Brother Turkey Slap”

  1. Stacey Avatar

    I believe that you have chosen 4 interesting video clips outlining what happened with the whole turket slapping episode. It is unjust of Big Brother to pick and choose what scandal to sensationalise and which one not to. In previous Big Brother series you have seen Micheal put his penis on Gianna’s shoulder, was he kicked out? No! I don’t agree a guy or girl should push their genitals in anyone’s face without consent. However Camilla knew that these boys were going to this action and did not say no but laughed along with it. I do feel for the men who are involved beacuse the media has sensationalised these men in such a negative way. Big Brother is so secretive about their audition process and choose outrageous people who are keen sexually or outlandish to perform things for ratings. They have successfully proven that outlandish people do things to entertain the Austalian public through thier conditions of what they would perceive would be great telly. They have done this to a cost of the future of two men’s lives who believed they entered into a contract to have a great 3 months not to be crucified for an action that Big Brother chose to boost up to get their ratings back.

  2. cbellamy Avatar

    heya stacey,

    thanks so very much for your comment. I saw michael the other day and had a big chat with him. he’s a bit lost as what to do next. I’ll show him your comment next time I see him

    all the best,


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