Oxford vs Cambridge Goat Race…


As a wonderful spoof of the Oxford vs. Cambridge Boat Race, Spitalfields City Farm will be hosting the first ever Oxford VS Cambridge Goat race.

This involves racing two rather dashing goats, one representing Oxford, one representing Cambridge, through a tough meandering course, to raise money for their lovely little city farm.

There will be an Official Goat Race Bookie and Sweepstake for those of you who like a flutter and even Goat Wrestling – which has got to be worth a look.

But that’s not all. As part of this unique event Spitalfields City Farm will be holding a Goatee Knitting Race. We are not sure if this is the first event of its kind but we certainly haven’t heard of it before!

This will be a fun and hilarious race to knit a goatee beard as fast as your needles will carry you with a crowd cheering you on.

The race will take place at 3pm and if you would like to take part all you need to do is contact Goat (and Goatee) Race organiser Anne Hopkins at getannehopkins@hotmail.com for more details (link)


Venue: Spitalfields City Farm, E1 Near Brick Lane

Entrance fee: £3 (all proceeds from the day will go to the farm.)


Nearest Tube: Whitechapel, Aldgate East or Bethnal Green



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