Are you wired or tired? How to ease information overload

Information overload is an all too familiar modern malady, and we can’t all have a personal assistant on hand to help out. But strategies do exist to help people deal with today’s constant information barrage, as the recent study ‘Being wired or being tired’ explains. To help combat everything from interruptive texts, IM and status update messages to emails, ‘phone calls and television, here are ten suggestions for a healthier, less cluttered desk and a more serene state of mind (link)



One response to “Are you wired or tired? How to ease information overload”

  1. Henry Lewkowicz Avatar

    You are right that the issue of filtering information is at the heart of the battle for information quality and usability.

    Speaking about tools that help with information overload I like to use my instant summarization application. Summarization is underappreciated but highly effective filtering. Summary focuses on the key issues and reduces information to the very essential points. In practice less is more and instantly finding the key sentences helps us with rapid comprehension.

    If you were curious about Context Organizer you can download it from and I would be delighted to hear from you.

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