HASS Workshop at UIUC

The SC08 Summer Workshop,Information-Rich Environments for Research and Teaching, will give Humanities, Arts, and Social Science faculty, researchers, and students the opportunity for focused dialogue on their research agendas and intensive hands-on experience for improving the quality of their work through access to advanced computing infrastructures and applications. Tools and applications to be considered include those provided by grid and cluster computing as well as social networking, analytic, and visualization technologies. Participants, under the guidance of technical experts, will explore how they can not only scale but transform their work and its potential impact by moving from personal computing to high performance computing; from two dimensional knowledge representations to three and four dimensional ones; from isolated research and learning processes to those fostering collaboration, interdisciplinary exchange, and resource sharing; and from data management to knowledgement management and discovery. The workshop will give HASS community members a springboard for envisioning how they might conduct innovative research and teaching in information-rich environments and provide them a concrete sense of how they can realize those visions, regardless of their institution size or degree of technical expertise (link).



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