vizNET 2008

King’s College London, Centre for e-ResearchThe 2nd Interdisciplinary Workshop on

Intersections in Visualization Practices and Techniques
7-9 May, Leicestershire, UK
Hosted by vizNET and 3DvisA
New visualization technologies, practices and techniques have drawn science and the arts ever closer together, and the exchange of ideas between the two has become increasingly important. This workshop is about how to create and represent information or ideas through visualization techniques with a view to achieving better understanding through collaboration in visualization. The workshop is an opportunity for researchers working in science and engineering or the arts and humanities to develop practical experience across a broad range of visualization practice and thus a framework for articulating new ideas about working together.
Who should attend?
• Arts and Humanities researchers, performers and artists, expert in one or more areas of visualization, who would like an introduction to, and overview of, other areas of visualization, including the latest research results, ideas and applications.
• Arts and Humanities researchers, performers and artists, new to visualization, who would like and introduction to, and overview of, the latest visualization practices and techniques.
• Arts and Humanities researchers, performers and artists who would like to contribute their expertise and insight to define the grand challenges in visualization in the Arts and Humanities, and in the emerging intersections in visualization between the Arts and Humanities and the Sciences and Engineering.
Networking focus and invitation to participate
vizNET 2008 is an excellent opportunity to network and to look for potential collaborators for your next research project while gaining an overview of what is available and who is working in what areas. You can showcase your latest visualization results in a 2-3 minute video, an A1 poster (printed for you by vizNET), and by giving a demo at your poster. In addition, information about your submitted video or poster will be included in the delegate pack.
Format of workshop
Full programme available at
7 May: Full day workshop with an up-front participant focus: a video showcase, participant introductions and poster viewings, and an intersections orientation workshop in networking across domains. We follow with vizNET introductions to modelling & simulation and data visualization, a presentation on visualization realism requirements in serious games & virtual worlds, and live hands-on vizNET demos including stereoscopic visualization. A networking dinner for all participants concludes the first day.
8 May: Full day workshop with ten sessions providing introductions to, overviews of, and recent results in
• Data visualization
• Combining real world and abstract visualization in the Humanities
• 3D capture
• Game engines for visualization
• Humanities visualization (2)
• Motion capture in Sports Science visualization
• Audiovisualization in the Arts
• Web-based visualization
• Grid-based visualization
To be followed by a plenary session on how vizNET can help you to achieve your visualization needs, and the presentation of the best poster award.
9 May: Half-day workshop beginning with technical sessions; followed by the grand challenges in visualisation, and intersections in visualisation workshops.
Will there be follow-up activities?
vizNET 2008 is hosted by vizNET ( ), the UK Visualization Support Network, and 3DvisA ( ), the 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network. Your input will assist us to determine which communities of practice and which areas of visualization could benefit from dedicated courses and training materials. It will also assist us to identify emerging Intersections ( ) in visualization practices and techniques within which additional network support could facilitate cross-domain collaboration.
How much will it cost?
Registration by 18 April is just £40 with a discounted student rate of £15. Participants must register online at to reserve a place at the workshop.
Participants are asked to pay their own travel and accommodation expenses. Further details on special accommodation rates for vizNET 2008 participants will be announced on the vizNET 2008 website shortly.
Further information
For further information contact:
Julie Tolmie, or John O’Brien,
vizNET (a UK National Visualisation Network) is a collaboration between a number of visualization centres in the UK that has been established to share knowledge, communicate best practice between application domains, provide training and support to researchers in visualisation.
vizNET is a Visualisation Support Network spanning the UK Academic Research Community. The support network will offer technical guidance to both new users (entry level visualisation) and advanced users (expert visualisation users). Consolidating the strengths of major visualisation centres and groups across the UK, helping the UK to realise the full potential of emerging visualisation techniques and resources at a National and Regional level. vizNET is funded by the JISC Support of Research Committee.
3DVisA, the 3D Visualisation in the Arts Network (, is a member of VizNET and works to enhance and extend 3D visualisation-related knowledge, understanding and opportunities in Arts and Humanities domains; bridge the gap in the sharing of knowledge and skills among projects within Arts and Humanities disciplines, and between these and other domains; coordinate debate on methods and standards; and provide information and advice regarding opportunities for funding or collaboration, intellectual property issues, and commercial exploitation of resources.

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