Harlem Gospel and LA glitz

I’m on holidays at the mo. This promises to be one of the best holidays ever; although boy am I feeling world-weary. This has been my biggest year ever travelling; at least in the geographical sense. I have probably travelled about 60,000 miles; so airports and escalators are beginning to look a bit grim. Still; the world has it’s sparkle. Yesterday I was on 125th Street in Harlem in NY and went to the Leela Church to see a Gospel service. It was magic. After conservative old Britain in the middle of winter seeing such life was wonderful. Every one was singing and clapping their hands and dancing and such a gorgeous sense of humour ran through the crowd of people who hadn’t sold their soul to the devil. I really love NY. It took me a while; like about 20 years, but it is such a more liveable city than London.

Today I am in Hollywood. Just staying down the road from the strip. I have a couple of mates in LA who I went to College with in the mid 1990s. That was at UC Santa Cruz; such a planet away from King’s College London. Anyhow, I promise a much more personal tone on my Blog this year. I need to keep it real. Life’s Good; better than a TV set.



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