What is the International Network of E-Communities?

Also see the ‘Delclaration of Open Networks’.

The INEC Declaration on Open Networks outlines the imperative need for Open Networks and the benefits they are to provide to communities.

In ten articles, the open networks are presented as the network which best caters the needs of signatory communities. Open networks must be operator-neutral, symmetric, are capable of carrying data over infinite bandwidths and provide a level playing field for any service to be offered over the network under equal conditions, creating a free and competitive market. The signatory communities believe telco and cable monopolies/duapolies to be an obtacle to innovation and community development. Signatory communities recognize the need for a new and enhanced role for both government and private sector as to initiate a new and innovative era of human social evolvement and economic growth. The declaration maintains technological neutrality. The declaration outlines several directions for the main players in the broadband network arena, but does not stipulate who should or should not own passive infrastructure. It encourages visionary leadership and up-to date forging of regulatory frameforks which avoid vertical integration of infrastructure and services. (thanks to Andrew G for the link)



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