Victoria’s ‘Connected Communities’ project

Connected Communities is a project from the Victorian Government with the ambition to (funny enough) ‘connect communities’. It appears to be driven by the ‘digital divide’ thesis (here are the details link).

But I have never really understood what a ‘community’ is. The term has become so ‘normalised’ that it is rarely discussed critically. It is a vacuous term and needs to be used strategically. And if the definition of a ‘community’ is less than clear then how can they possibly be connected through the Internet with any degree of certainty (and why would you want to?) These should be fundamental questions driving a project of this size and expense.

Sorry to say this, but this project is primitive (web1.0). Nice sentiment but poor ideas. And that dodgy voting thing; please how naive does the Victorian government think their citizens are? Let me think about this project some more and get back to you whilst I play my banjo and cook up some rabbits.

See: My Connected Community (link)



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