Crap Movie Downloads

A couple of companies have began offering movie download services in Australia. There are also a few international services, however I don’t trust them because you have to sign up and pay for their service, before you can actually see what movies that they have (which I’m not sure is legal). And the reason that they don’t show you what movies that they have is because their movies are most likely to be crap. Telstra bigpond possibly has they greatest range of crap movies ever assembled in one place. Bigpond’s movies are like going into a video store on the outskirts of Bendigo in 1984!

A new service called has just opened up that looked slightly better, but it is still heavily weighted on the crap side.



2 responses to “Crap Movie Downloads”

  1. mds Avatar

    its a beta test only so here is not alot of content, but you are right in saying that it is most likely to be crap.

  2. YKS Avatar

    Seems to have gotten better – a lot more content there now (more than Bigpond, but that wasnt hard)

    Looks like its constantly updating

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