OK, the EFF (the Electronic Frontiers Foundation) have done some interesting work for many, many years. But they are a little too Libertarian for this blogger. And they are a little too, dare I say, American! It all about rights; the Bill of Rights, rights this; rights that. What about a Bill of Responsibilities? What about the responisibilies that that nation has to the rest of us? An Iraqie should rewrite the American Constitution to include a Bill of Responsibilities.
EFF: EFF Needs Your Support in the Fight for Blogger's Rights!
EFF is a donor-funded nonprofit group of passionate people—lawyers, technologists, volunteers, and visionaries — who depend on your support to continue successfully defending your digital rights. Litigation is particularly expensive; because two-thirds of our budget comes from individual donors, every contribution is critical to helping EFF fight —and win—more cases.
You Have the Right to Blog Anonymously. EFF has fought for your right to speak anonymously on the Internet, establishing legal protections in several states and federal jurisdictions, and developing technologies to help you protect you identity. With your support, EFF can continue to defend this right, conducting impact litigation to establish strict standards to unmask an anonymous critic in more jurisdictions.
You Have the Right to Keep Sources Confidential. In Apple v. Does, EFF is fighting to establish the reporter's privilege for online journalists before the California courts. With your support, EFF can defend news bloggers from subpoenas seeking the identity of confidential sources in more jurisdictions.
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